I have arrived. The trip was pretty uneventful. I do have to say that business class on Emirates airline was really nice. Of course, I got picked to have my carry on smelled by the trained dog. But I didn’t have to have it gone through by the secondary check point. It didn’t seem like such a long trip, but that could because it is shorter than the trip to Seoul and back.
UAE entry is easier than the states or Seoul. I did not have to fill out any forms and being in business class you get a fast track pass, but there was no line anyway. Mike was there to meet me. But I was picked to have my luggage go through the scanner, but it was quick. He didn’t have a car, but a driver. So a nice relaxing drive to the flat. Saw the lights of Dubai and the traffic, but not much else.
The 4 – 5 hour trip to Ruwais seemed to last forever. Getting out of Dubai took forever. Traffic is bad, not sure if it is as bad as Seoul at rush hour, but seems comparable. We stopped about halfway home for gas and to eat something. It was a choice of pizza, burgers, chicken, or donuts. I had chicken and had Mike get donuts for the next day’s breakfast. Good thing, nothing at the flat. Nothing but walls, sink, windows, cabinets in kitchen and in bedroom, and a bathroom. No tub in the bathroom, but a big shower.
The Kitchen The living room
We got home and saw our flat. It isn’t bad, just nothing in it. Had to blow up the beds and make them, then sleep until Thursday. Mike has every other Thursday off and it was his Thursday off. So we spent time viewing what was in the area. It is hot!! Although this is cool weather, can’t imagine what it would be like in the summer. We have a good view out our window. We can see the manmade lake from the kitchen window. Did see a deer the first day, but haven’t seen it since. We ate lunch and dinner at the recreation club. It is the men’s rec club. The womens is elsewhere. There is a store about 5 blocks away with a little shopping and a salon for men and one for women. Funny thing is they spell it saloon instead of salon. Marek picked Mike up and he went to the camp and got a few things.
Friday is their Saturday. It is the day that it usually spent at the beach. So Marek took us to the beach. Is a nice beach and the water is warm, but nice and clear. Mike and Marek went to the camp for lunch and brought things back for me to eat. We met some Polish people that Marek knows and I met the wives. We came back to apartment and then got ready to meet them for drinks at the beach. We only had snacks for dinner thinking that there we would have snacks at the beach. That didn’t happen so I ate the crackers and fruit we had at the flat when we got back. The ladies mostly speak Polish and a little English. I talked with them some, but mostly talked with the men, since they speak English better and the wives were discussing things in polish. Guess I may have to learn polish. They said they would take me this coming week. We will see how well we communicate then.
The hotel’s beach The view from the beach – bait shop
Saturday Marek, Mike, Thomas, and I went to Abu Dhabi to the mall. It takes about 2.5 hours. We stopped halfway for a break. It helps you not get sleepy, since the scenery is all sand. Mike wasn’t feeling well. So after looking at things didn’t buy anything. We mostly rested. Have found the bed I think will be best and a table and chairs. Will get the starter set of dishes and pots and pans from IKEA when we go back. The washing machines won’t fit in the space allocated for it in the flat. So it will have to go next to the refrig. Will have to get something to go in the space where it is suppose to go. I have decided that I will get a toaster oven and portable burners. Maybe a microwave too. Decided to wait and see if Borouge will pay anything for furnishing the flat before we go spending much. Found out I can go in the camp for a short visit (an hour maximum). So went after we got back and Mike brought me dinner from the cafeteria. He has TV, so watched that. The internet wasn’t working, so still no contact with the outside world. Borouge doesn’t know where the international phones are, so no calling anyone either.
We have no contract yet. They say they are negotiating it. Mike isn’t sure who they are negotiating with, it isn’t him. So he isn’t sure he wants to stay here. We will see. That is why we aren’t buying things yet. But maybe if I buy things he will decide to stay.
Sunday Mike went to work and I stayed at the flat by myself for the first day. He called and he got a car yeah. So we now don’t have to walk everywhere. I did go outside for awhile and decided I didn’t want to walk far. Had crackers and cheese for lunch. When Mike came home we went to the place to get internet service. He found out what he needs, so hopefully he can get all the forms tomorrow and turned in, so we can get internet soon. We ate at the rec center again. It was Indian food this evening. Not bad, but seems like pretty much the same thing all the time. The apartment smells we are on the ground floor and have open drains in the floor. They smell sometimes and the maintenance people come and take off the cover and stick their hands down it and push things around. It takes the smell away. So no more smelly apartment. Yeah!! One of the pipes of water has a leak it is in a closet so one of the floors of the small closets is wet. But since the floor in those closets is lower than the flat floor we don’t have water in the flat. They are supposed to fix it this week; they have to get in the apartments above us. Guess we are lucky we get to hear everyone shower or turn on their water. But it could be worse. It is a nice view from the kitchen so that I am thankful for.
It is Monday and I am writing this blog. I will see what else I get done today. Yesterday I did a cross word puzzle and picture puzzle and organized the things in the kitchen cabinets. Wow. But still feel a little jet lagged. I am getting up at 2 or 3 for an hour or so and read. But think I will soon get over that. Mike came home and went to play tennis at the hotel. So I tagged along. Thought I might be able to access the web from my computer, but not unless you are a guest. Next time will see about asking Thomas for his password and log in. He is staying there until his wife and two children come along with their furniture.
Tuesday I now have a routine. I get up and exercise for an hour or more, then either read or do a crossword puzzle. I am working on some yoga poses and can now do the tree for 1 min. Not a great accomplishment, but every little bit helps. It is one of the poses you do on the Wii fit. I am determined to keep in shape while I am here. After dressing I decide which craft I will work on and get the things I need for it. Today I made a necklace from wire and beads. Tried knitting, but decided I need help to move on. So that will have to wait. Two rows and I am stuck. Yarn over knitting and yarn over purling have me confused. Will get help with it when I visit my mom in NC, either from my mom or sister in law Carol. Went with Mike to the camp for dinner, even ate in the mess hall. Someone else has their wife with them, so Mike decided it was ok. After dinner we went to the activity room where I accessed the internet. Only had a little while before it closed, so didn’t get much done. Just checked on the bank accounts, of course Borouge wired the money to the wrong acct, so had to adjust payments and it took all my time. Maybe tomorrow I will be able to email people.
Thursday found out we have no internet in the apartment (flat) complex. I was not happy, but after a day or two calmed down and started thinking of solutions. Will probably get satellite service. Here it is rather expensive. Set up is over $200 US and monthly fee over $100 US. Since we aren’t sure what the company will pay for us living here we are waiting to see what happens with the contract. But I am sure whether they pay or not I will get internet. Mike wants to make sure I am happy. He is surprised by how I have not complained and taken things in stride. Thursday is the drinking night. So we went to the bar at the local hotel. The men from the camp pay for a bus to take them and bring them back. Since if you get stopped and have any level of alcohol you are deported. I had OJ while Mike had a beer. But like all bars it was loud and smoky. Next time I think we will have drinks on the beach. That is so much nicer.
Friday is their Sat. So we got ready for the trek to the desert. After packing we got our laundry and dropped it off at the camp. Ate lunch at the camp and then left in Marek’s company car. We were to meet at the LIWA hotel about 2 hours away. It is on the Liwa Oasis – the blub says the Fertile Crescent shaped oasis bordering the vast Rub Al Khali Desert (known as the “Empty Quarter”). They had snacks and then instructions – when we stop deflate tires to the pressure of 18. When driving use low gear they will pull out if we get stuck. We didn’t have a gauge and when we did the tire I deflated was at 17, the others were 18, 16, and 11. But we told it was ok. So off we went. Marek and Mike drove the first day. We got stuck once and dug ourselves in so had to be pulled out. But we weren’t the only ones. We were a big group (34 cars besides the tour guides). Later were told it was too many, next time they would only allow 10 cars. We got to a camping spot around 6 pm. You picked your spot and then grabbed your tent, sleeping bags and pillow seat. Glad Mike knew what he was doing I wasn’t sure if I would have figured out the tent. We then pumped up our blow up beds and we were ready for night time. It was hot, but cooling off. They said when the sun went down it would get cool, but didn’t feel it yet. The bathroom facilities were over a dune and find a private spot. It was a far walk to find a place to squat outside of the range of site and one must be careful not to step where others had stopped or your shoes could be dirty. Much better in the dark to find some place. The stars were wonderful. The guide pointed out Venus, Mars, Saturn, etc. They cooked potatoes, beef, lamb chops, and chicken. It was a feast and enough no one went hungry. After supper they started a fire and some of the children roasted marshmallows. We went to bed early some stayed up late. You can hear lots in the desert at night. Did not appreciate the man who used the facilities right behind our
tent. There was evidence of it in the morning.
Next day we awoke and had breakfast. I made Mike walk the dunes with me and be look out while I used the facilities. It was a rather long walk, but dune walking is interesting. Several of the group left. So instead of 34 cars we were down to about 24. A Volvo was too heavy and kept sinking in the sand so it went back. They would never have made it. I drove three times and got stuck every time. The first time was when two cars ahead stopped and we either stopped or ran into them. Afterwards learned you just go around them if possible. But the guide got in the car and drove it off, no pulling. Mike, Marek and I all got stuck at least once. The last time I got stuck we were to go over a side of a slight hole and the car slide sideways into the hole. I tried to drive out, but ended up getting stuck, the guide had to pull us out. But when he came to investigate he saw a better pathway and had everyone else go that was, since I was the second car to get stuck there. We were suppose to get back to the roadway at 2, but didn’t make it until 5pm. The best drive was the one Marek had, you go straight down the dune to the bottom. Just drive off the edge and let gravity do the work. Of course after we all got down the guides drove down quickly. They used gas and we were told no way. You might have flipped if you made a mistake. But dune driving is definitely fun. I can see my son Bryan having a great time. We got back and after inflating the tires back to proper pressure, I made them stop back at the hotel to use the facilities. Enjoyed a real bathroom and sink where I brushed teeth and washed as much as possible. When we got to Gyahita sp?, the car got washed and cleaned. It looked like a new car again. We even got back to the camp in time for dinner. Ate and packed then came back to the flat. It was a long but good day.

I have arrived. The trip was pretty uneventful. I do have to say that business class on Emirates airline was really nice. Of course, I got picked to have my carry on smelled by the trained dog. But I didn’t have to have it gone through by the secondary check point. It didn’t seem like such a long trip, but that could because it is shorter than the trip to Seoul and back.
UAE entry is easier than the states or Seoul. I did not have to fill out any forms and being in business class you get a fast track pass, but there was no line anyway. Mike was there to meet me. But I was picked to have my luggage go through the scanner, but it was quick. He didn’t have a car, but a driver. So a nice relaxing drive to the flat. Saw the lights of Dubai and the traffic, but not much else.
The 4 – 5 hour trip to Ruwais seemed to last forever. Getting out of Dubai took forever. Traffic is bad, not sure if it is as bad as Seoul at rush hour, but seems comparable. We stopped about halfway home for gas and to eat something. It was a choice of pizza, burgers, chicken, or donuts. I had chicken and had Mike get donuts for the next day’s breakfast. Good thing, nothing at the flat. Nothing but walls, sink, windows, cabinets in kitchen and in bedroom, and a bathroom. No tub in the bathroom, but a big shower.
The Kitchen The living room
We got home and saw our flat. It isn’t bad, just nothing in it. Had to blow up the beds and make them, then sleep until Thursday. Mike has every other Thursday off and it was his Thursday off. So we spent time viewing what was in the area. It is hot!! Although this is cool weather, can’t imagine what it would be like in the summer. We have a good view out our window. We can see the manmade lake from the kitchen window. Did see a deer the first day, but haven’t seen it since. We ate lunch and dinner at the recreation club. It is the men’s rec club. The womens is elsewhere. There is a store about 5 blocks away with a little shopping and a salon for men and one for women. Funny thing is they spell it saloon instead of salon. Marek picked Mike up and he went to the camp and got a few things.
Friday is their Saturday. It is the day that it usually spent at the beach. So Marek took us to the beach. Is a nice beach and the water is warm, but nice and clear. Mike and Marek went to the camp for lunch and brought things back for me to eat. We met some Polish people that Marek knows and I met the wives. We came back to apartment and then got ready to meet them for drinks at the beach. We only had snacks for dinner thinking that there we would have snacks at the beach. That didn’t happen so I ate the crackers and fruit we had at the flat when we got back. The ladies mostly speak Polish and a little English. I talked with them some, but mostly talked with the men, since they speak English better and the wives were discussing things in polish. Guess I may have to learn polish. They said they would take me this coming week. We will see how well we communicate then.
The hotel’s beach The view from the beach – bait shop
Saturday Marek, Mike, Thomas, and I went to Abu Dhabi to the mall. It takes about 2.5 hours. We stopped halfway for a break. It helps you not get sleepy, since the scenery is all sand. Mike wasn’t feeling well. So after looking at things didn’t buy anything. We mostly rested. Have found the bed I think will be best and a table and chairs. Will get the starter set of dishes and pots and pans from IKEA when we go back. The washing machines won’t fit in the space allocated for it in the flat. So it will have to go next to the refrig. Will have to get something to go in the space where it is suppose to go. I have decided that I will get a toaster oven and portable burners. Maybe a microwave too. Decided to wait and see if Borouge will pay anything for furnishing the flat before we go spending much. Found out I can go in the camp for a short visit (an hour maximum). So went after we got back and Mike brought me dinner from the cafeteria. He has TV, so watched that. The internet wasn’t working, so still no contact with the outside world. Borouge doesn’t know where the international phones are, so no calling anyone either.
We have no contract yet. They say they are negotiating it. Mike isn’t sure who they are negotiating with, it isn’t him. So he isn’t sure he wants to stay here. We will see. That is why we aren’t buying things yet. But maybe if I buy things he will decide to stay.
Sunday Mike went to work and I stayed at the flat by myself for the first day. He called and he got a car yeah. So we now don’t have to walk everywhere. I did go outside for awhile and decided I didn’t want to walk far. Had crackers and cheese for lunch. When Mike came home we went to the place to get internet service. He found out what he needs, so hopefully he can get all the forms tomorrow and turned in, so we can get internet soon. We ate at the rec center again. It was Indian food this evening. Not bad, but seems like pretty much the same thing all the time. The apartment smells we are on the ground floor and have open drains in the floor. They smell sometimes and the maintenance people come and take off the cover and stick their hands down it and push things around. It takes the smell away. So no more smelly apartment. Yeah!! One of the pipes of water has a leak it is in a closet so one of the floors of the small closets is wet. But since the floor in those closets is lower than the flat floor we don’t have water in the flat. They are supposed to fix it this week; they have to get in the apartments above us. Guess we are lucky we get to hear everyone shower or turn on their water. But it could be worse. It is a nice view from the kitchen so that I am thankful for.
It is Monday and I am writing this blog. I will see what else I get done today. Yesterday I did a cross word puzzle and picture puzzle and organized the things in the kitchen cabinets. Wow. But still feel a little jet lagged. I am getting up at 2 or 3 for an hour or so and read. But think I will soon get over that. Mike came home and went to play tennis at the hotel. So I tagged along. Thought I might be able to access the web from my computer, but not unless you are a guest. Next time will see about asking Thomas for his password and log in. He is staying there until his wife and two children come along with their furniture.
Tuesday I now have a routine. I get up and exercise for an hour or more, then either read or do a crossword puzzle. I am working on some yoga poses and can now do the tree for 1 min. Not a great accomplishment, but every little bit helps. It is one of the poses you do on the Wii fit. I am determined to keep in shape while I am here. After dressing I decide which craft I will work on and get the things I need for it. Today I made a necklace from wire and beads. Tried knitting, but decided I need help to move on. So that will have to wait. Two rows and I am stuck. Yarn over knitting and yarn over purling have me confused. Will get help with it when I visit my mom in NC, either from my mom or sister in law Carol. Went with Mike to the camp for dinner, even ate in the mess hall. Someone else has their wife with them, so Mike decided it was ok. After dinner we went to the activity room where I accessed the internet. Only had a little while before it closed, so didn’t get much done. Just checked on the bank accounts, of course Borouge wired the money to the wrong acct, so had to adjust payments and it took all my time. Maybe tomorrow I will be able to email people.
Thursday found out we have no internet in the apartment (flat) complex. I was not happy, but after a day or two calmed down and started thinking of solutions. Will probably get satellite service. Here it is rather expensive. Set up is over $200 US and monthly fee over $100 US. Since we aren’t sure what the company will pay for us living here we are waiting to see what happens with the contract. But I am sure whether they pay or not I will get internet. Mike wants to make sure I am happy. He is surprised by how I have not complained and taken things in stride. Thursday is the drinking night. So we went to the bar at the local hotel. The men from the camp pay for a bus to take them and bring them back. Since if you get stopped and have any level of alcohol you are deported. I had OJ while Mike had a beer. But like all bars it was loud and smoky. Next time I think we will have drinks on the beach. That is so much nicer.
Friday is their Sat. So we got ready for the trek to the desert. After packing we got our laundry and dropped it off at the camp. Ate lunch at the camp and then left in Marek’s company car. We were to meet at the LIWA hotel about 2 hours away. It is on the Liwa Oasis – the blub says the Fertile Crescent shaped oasis bordering the vast Rub Al Khali Desert (known as the “Empty Quarter”). They had snacks and then instructions – when we stop deflate tires to the pressure of 18. When driving use low gear they will pull out if we get stuck. We didn’t have a gauge and when we did the tire I deflated was at 17, the others were 18, 16, and 11. But we told it was ok. So off we went. Marek and Mike drove the first day. We got stuck once and dug ourselves in so had to be pulled out. But we weren’t the only ones. We were a big group (34 cars besides the tour guides). Later were told it was too many, next time they would only allow 10 cars. We got to a camping spot around 6 pm. You picked your spot and then grabbed your tent, sleeping bags and pillow seat. Glad Mike knew what he was doing I wasn’t sure if I would have figured out the tent. We then pumped up our blow up beds and we were ready for night time. It was hot, but cooling off. They said when the sun went down it would get cool, but didn’t feel it yet. The bathroom facilities were over a dune and find a private spot. It was a far walk to find a place to squat outside of the range of site and one must be careful not to step where others had stopped or your shoes could be dirty. Much better in the dark to find some place. The stars were wonderful. The guide pointed out Venus, Mars, Saturn, etc. They cooked potatoes, beef, lamb chops, and chicken. It was a feast and enough no one went hungry. After supper they started a fire and some of the children roasted marshmallows. We went to bed early some stayed up late. You can hear lots in the desert at night. Did not appreciate the man who used the facilities right behind our
Next day we awoke and had breakfast. I made Mike walk the dunes with me and be look out while I used the facilities. It was a rather long walk, but dune walking is interesting. Several of the group left. So instead of 34 cars we were down to about 24. A Volvo was too heavy and kept sinking in the sand so it went back. They would never have made it. I drove three times and got stuck every time. The first time was when two cars ahead stopped and we either stopped or ran into them. Afterwards learned you just go around them if possible. But the guide got in the car and drove it off, no pulling. Mike, Marek and I all got stuck at least once. The last time I got stuck we were to go over a side of a slight hole and the car slide sideways into the hole. I tried to drive out, but ended up getting stuck, the guide had to pull us out. But when he came to investigate he saw a better pathway and had everyone else go that was, since I was the second car to get stuck there. We were suppose to get back to the roadway at 2, but didn’t make it until 5pm. The best drive was the one Marek had, you go straight down the dune to the bottom. Just drive off the edge and let gravity do the work. Of course after we all got down the guides drove down quickly. They used gas and we were told no way. You might have flipped if you made a mistake. But dune driving is definitely fun. I can see my son Bryan having a great time. We got back and after inflating the tires back to proper pressure, I made them stop back at the hotel to use the facilities. Enjoyed a real bathroom and sink where I brushed teeth and washed as much as possible. When we got to Gyahita sp?, the car got washed and cleaned. It looked like a new car again. We even got back to the camp in time for dinner. Ate and packed then came back to the flat. It was a long but good day.