I have been in the states since November 2008. I am suppose to join Mike in New York City. He has a meeting there towards the end of March. So we plan on seeing the sights of NYC and then head back to the UAE together.
He has bought a bed, so no more blowup beds. Yeah!
I have been keeping busy with visiting my children and mother. While at my mom's I helped her put things away so they could do the deep cleaning and then put everything back after they finished. While we were doing that we went through her drawers and cabinets and tossed or gave away things she no longer wanted or needed. I made a few fabric covered clothesline bowls. They were fun to make, but I would love to take a class to see how to do some of the techniques they talk about.
This weekend I am going back to TCU for mom's weekend at my daughters sorority. They have a fashion show to raise funds for the women's shelter. It should be fun.
Things are really quiet at home.